个人闲聊群(群号:649475665)里有我的图无码版本,欢迎各种画手、oc人和色图爱好者加入(多来点人求你了) 爱好杂、低产而且因为是x欲画图所以题材比较随机,如果想看特定题材欢迎在评论区催更嗯。目前可以试试看约稿,但是比较忙就是了。 不会日语,日文tag打错了请勿见怪,告诉我就好。 以及欢迎在作品下留言!吐槽、希望看到的题材、人物都可以的,我很喜欢看这个的2333 I can receive PayPal, but I can only talk in Chinese and English(I often need translation when I use English) I can't speak Japanese. Please don't blame me for the wrong Japanese tag. Just tell me about it.(and sorry for my poor English) And welcome to leave a message under the pictures!(any language are welcomed) I'd love to read these. PS.关于id,虽然scp基金会已经是(几乎)脱坑状态,但是这个id就这么用下来了……